Oh . . . my . . . God . . . . You know, I can entertain some pretty crazy beliefs in all sorts of far out things like alien visitation and spontaneous combustion and esp and the theory of Atlantis and the Loch Ness Monster (if there's a steady pay check in it, I'll believe anything you say.) But my God, and the God of the Baptists, but Mike Huckabee has crossed the line into utter lunatic-ville. YOU DO NOT QUESTION THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE ONE!!! Everyone knows that. (Unless you're Michelle Obama, who has referred to Kenya as Obama's "home" on a few occasions.) I mean, talk to me about 9/11 truther conspiracies and ancient alien theory all day long, but questioning the birth certificate? My God, you've got to be certifiably insane. That is loony to the bjillionth power times infinity is what that is. My heart is still palpitating from the news. Seriously.
In more serious news there appears to be at least one (and at this point, only one) member of the republican party with an actual pair of balls. I am, of course, referring to Gov. Walker and his budget proposal that he just released tonight. Let's see, he's slashing money to education, from colleges to K-12, propping up the voucher system, he's increasing money for health care, especially to the poor (but republicans HATE the POOR! I know, I know) and slashing spending overall by 6.7 per cent. I can only hope that he is starting a trend that continues in other states.
And at the federal level, the GAO report shows that there is about 100 to 200 billion dollars in duplicative annual federal spending. And the nutless wonders can barely cut 61 billion from their budget? And flinched in the showdown over a possible government shut down because the democrats think that 61 billion is too draconian? Aye carumba.
Oh, and Reason's Nanny of the Month for February is . . . drumroll . . .
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